Maybe I m not that one can fit in but who gives a shit.  no garantee note or some smart hashtags on ppls's forehead: we dont hassle with our man how can that be #themoralvision

From the statistical perspective, in this regard chance is 50/50. You enjoy your position or yo, come get fed up

dang if i get to know the future. the fuckiest thing is not future comes around the corners and prepare cheerfully for throwing harships when you unguarded, which mos def is all things it does for the name-sake. If you know someone is gonna cockblock you, would this be causation of ED at night? Not necessarily truth when you flow yourself on the boat of shit mess up and let it goes along with focus on ejaculation. Then you could get a badge for slapping used condom on the poor intruder's face. That's the agenda. Finish your work.

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